:hasParentBlock leaf node


has parent Block


Relates a block to its parent in the chain. It always points to the block with a number that is decreased by one, compared to the block it originates from. The relation is asymmetric because if block A is parent to block B then block B can not be parent to block A. It is also irreflexive because a block cannot be parent to itself.


:Block :hasParentBlock :Block


@prefix : <http://ethon.consensys.net/> .
@prefix ns: <http://www.w3.org/2003/06/sw-vocab-status/ns#> .
@prefix owl: <http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#> .
@prefix rdfs: <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#> .

:hasParentBlock a owl:AsymmetricProperty,
        owl:ObjectProperty ;
    rdfs:label "has parent Block"@en ;
    :suggestedStringRepresentation "hasParentBlock" ;
    rdfs:comment "Relates a block to its parent in the chain. It always points to the block with a number that is decreased by one, compared to the block it originates from. The relation is asymmetric because if block A is parent to block B then block B can not be parent to block A. It is also irreflexive because a block cannot be parent to itself."@en ;
    rdfs:domain :Block ;
    rdfs:range :Block ;
    rdfs:subPropertyOf :BlockObjectProperty ;
    ns:term_status "unstable" .