Instances of :Block can have the following properties:
From class :Block | |||
:hasParentBlock | owl:AsymmetricProperty | Relates a block to its parent in the chain. It always points to the block with a number that is decreased by one, compared to the block it originates from. The relation is asymmetric because if block A is parent to block B then block B can not be parent to block A. It is also irreflexive because a block cannot be parent to itself. | :Block |
:blockBeneficiaryReward | owl:DatatypeProperty | The reward the beneficiary receives for mining a block. It is comprised of the base reward (5ETH), rewards for including uncles (1/32 of block reward per uncle) and the fees of the Tx in the block. | xsd:integer |
:blockCreationTime | owl:DatatypeProperty | This block's inception date and time. | xsd:dateTime |
:blockDifficulty | owl:DatatypeProperty | The difficulty level of this block. | xsd:integer |
:blockExtraData | owl:DatatypeProperty | An arbitrary byte array containing data relevant to this block. This must be 32 bytes or fewer. | xsd:hexBinary |
:blockGasLimit | owl:DatatypeProperty | A scalar value equal to the current limit of gas expenditure per block. Its purpose is to keep block propagation and processing time low, thereby allowing for a sufficiently decentralized network. Miners have the option to increase or decrease it every block by a certain factor. | xsd:integer |
:blockGasUsed | owl:DatatypeProperty | A scalar value equal to the total gas used by all transactions in this block. | xsd:integer |
:blockHash | owl:DatatypeProperty | The Keccak 256-bit hash of the block's header, in its entierty. | xsd:hexBinary |
:blockHeader | owl:DatatypeProperty | Relates a block to its block header data. The block header data contains 15 pieces of information: 1. the parent hash, 2. the Uncle hash, 3. a beneficiary address, 4. a state root hash, 5. a transactions root hash, 6. a receipts root hash, 7. a log bloom filter, 8. the difficulty value, 9. the block number, 10. the gas limit of the block, 11. the gas used by all transactions in the block, 12. a scalar timestamp in unix time() format, 13. a byte array containing extra data, 14. a mix hash and 15. the block nonce. The property is functional because a block can have only exactly one block header. | xsd:hexBinary |
:blockLogsBloom | owl:DatatypeProperty | The bloom filter of log entries resulting from the transactions in the block. The bloom filter helps to identify blocks with logs quickly. To find the indexed log entries from a contract, only the bloom filters of all blocks, which are included in the block header have to be checked. Note that bloom filters can produce false positives but not false negatives. In other words, if the bloom filter indicates that the topic and contract have not produced any logs in a block, this information is final. If the bloom filter indicates a match, it is only a probabilistic result and has to be verified further. The transactions in the block can then be re-executed and the probabilistic match of the bloom filter can be verified. | xsd:hexBinary |
:blockMixHash | owl:DatatypeProperty | A 256-bit hash which proves combined with the nonce that a sufficient amount of computation has been carried out on this block. | xsd:hexBinary |
:blockNonce | owl:DatatypeProperty | A 64 bit hash which proves combined with the mix-hash that a sufficient amount of computation has been carried out on this block. | xsd:hexBinary |
:blockSize | owl:DatatypeProperty | The size of the block header in RLP format in bytes. | xsd:integer |
:number | owl:DatatypeProperty | A scalar value equal to the number of ancestor blocks. The genesis block has a number of zero. | xsd:integer |
:totalBlockDifficulty | owl:DatatypeProperty | The difficulty of the total chain until this block. | xsd:integer |
:createsPostBlockState | owl:FunctionalProperty | Relates a block to the global state of the system after all transactions in the block have been executed. | :WorldState |
:hasAuthorBeneficiary | owl:FunctionalProperty | Relates a block to an account to which the fees from gas costs, the static mining reward and the reward for including uncles are transferred. | :Account |
:hasReceiptsTrie | owl:FunctionalProperty | Relates a block to the trie that contains the block's receipt data. | :ReceiptsTrie |
:hasTxTrie | owl:FunctionalProperty | Relates a block to the trie that contains the data of the transactions contained in the block. | :TxTrie |
:containsTx | owl:InverseFunctionalProperty | Relates a block to a transaction included in it. All containsTx relations of a block comprise the block's transaction list. The order of the transactions is determined by their index value. The property is inverse functional because a transaction can only be included in one block. | :Tx |
:conformsTo | owl:ObjectProperty | Relates a Block to the protocol variant it conforms to. | :ProtocolVariant |
:hasBeneficiary | owl:ObjectProperty | Relates a block to an account to which fees or mining rewards from the successful mining of this block are transferred. | :Account |
:hasUncleBeneficiary | owl:ObjectProperty | Relates a block to an account to which the reward for mining an uncle is transferred. | :Account |
:includesUncle | owl:ObjectProperty | Relates a block to another block by including it as an uncle. Block B can be an uncle of block A if it is the direct child of the k'th generation ancestor of block B, where 2<=k<=7 but not a direct ancestor of block A. Uncles are blocks found by a miner, when a different miner has already found another block for the corresponding place in the blockchain. They are also known as “stale blocks”. | :Uncle |
From class :StateTransition | |||
:createsState | owl:ObjectProperty | Relates a transition to the state it creates. | :State |
From class owl:Thing | |||
:AccountDataProperty | owl:DatatypeProperty | Groups all data properties that are specific to an account. | owl:Thing |
:AccountObjectProperty | owl:ObjectProperty | Groups all EthOn account object properties | owl:Thing |
:BlockDataProperty | owl:DatatypeProperty | Groups all data properties that are specific to a block. These properties are usually functional because a block can only be associated with a single instance of them. | owl:Thing |
:BlockObjectProperty | owl:ObjectProperty | Groups all EthOn block object properties | owl:Thing |
:EthOnAnnotationProperty | owl:AnnotationProperty | Superclass of all EthOn specific annotation properties. | owl:Thing |
:EthOnDataProperty | owl:DatatypeProperty | Groups all data properties specific to EthOn. | owl:Thing |
:EthOnObjectProperty | owl:ObjectProperty | Groups all EthOn object properties | owl:Thing |
:MessageDataProperty | owl:DatatypeProperty | Groups all EthOn message data properties. | owl:Thing |
:MessageObjectProperty | owl:ObjectProperty | Groups all EthOn message object properties. | owl:Thing |
:NetworkDataProperty | owl:DatatypeProperty | Groups all EthOn network data properties. | owl:Thing |
:NetworkObjectProperty | owl:ObjectProperty | Groups all EthOn network object properties. | owl:Thing |
:StateDataProperty | owl:DatatypeProperty | -- | owl:Thing |
:StateObjectProperty | owl:ObjectProperty | Groups all EthOn state object properties. | owl:Thing |
:createsPostMsgState | owl:FunctionalProperty | Relates a message to the global state of the system after all the message has been executed. | owl:Thing |
:hasAccountStorage | owl:FunctionalProperty | Relates an account to the Merkle Patricia tree that encodes its storage contents at a certain account state. This property is Functional because an account state can have only one instance of account storage and inverse functional because an account storage can have only one associated account state. | :AccountStorage |
:hasTransition | owl:ObjectProperty | Relates a state to a transition (i.e. a message) that creates a new state. | owl:Thing |
:partOf | owl:ObjectProperty | This is a general relation to express part of relationships. The classic study of parts and wholes, mereology, has three axioms: 1. the part-of relation is Transitive - "parts of parts are parts of the whole" - If A is part of B and B is part of C, then A is part of C Reflexive - "Everything is part of itself" - A is part of A Antisymmetric - "Nothing is a part of its parts" - if A is part of B and A != B then B is not part of A. | owl:Thing |
:simpleDefinition | owl:AnnotationProperty | This property relates an EthOn class to a definition in Simple English, intended especially for non-technical users. | owl:Thing |
:suggestedStringRepresentation | owl:AnnotationProperty | This property relates an EthOn class with a suggested string representation. It can be used to give the term a name, e.g. in program code. | owl:Thing |
@prefix : <> .
@prefix ns: <> .
@prefix owl: <> .
@prefix rdf: <> .
@prefix rdfs: <> .
:Block a owl:Class ;
rdfs:label "Block"@en ;
:simpleDefinition "A block is an entry in a blockchain. It contains a series of transactions as well as a cryptographic hash linking it to the previous block in the chain." ;
:suggestedStringRepresentation "Block"@en ;
rdfs:comment "A block is the basic element of a 'blockchain'. It functions as an entry in a distributed ledger, recording a series of transactions together with a reference to the previous block. A block is chained to its preceeding block by a cryptographic hash of its contents as a means of reference. Blocks contain an identifier for the final state after all transactions contained in it are validated. There is a consensus mechanism that provides incentives for nodes adding new blocks to the chain (\"miners\" in the Proof of Work protocol used by the main Ethereum network) that comply with the rules of Ethereum by issuing newly generated tokens ('Ether') to an account specified by the block's author."@en ;
rdfs:subClassOf :StateTransition ;
owl:hasKey [ a rdf:List ;
rdf:first :blockHash ;
rdf:rest () ] ;
ns:term_status "unstable" .