:TokenBalance leaf node


Token Balance


The Balance of a Token owned by an Account.


Instances of :TokenBalance can have the following properties:

From class :TokenBalance
:balance owl:DatatypeProperty The remaining balance as provided by the token contract. xsd:integer
:transferBalance owl:DatatypeProperty A value equal to the base units of a Token calculated from all observable ERC-20 Transfer events. This doesn't necessarily represent the actual Token balance because it cannot be known what initial balances may be defined, what mechanisms may exist to generate or burn tokens and what other mechanisms that affect the token balances may be implemented in the token contract. xsd:integer
:hasOwner owl:FunctionalProperty Relates a token balance with the account that owns the balance. ethon:Account :TokenHolder
:providesAllowance owl:InverseFunctionalProperty Relates a Token Balance with an Allowance it provides. :Allowance
From class owl:Thing
:EthOnERC20DataProperty owl:DatatypeProperty Groups all EthOn ERC-20 extension Data Properties. owl:Thing
:EthOnERC20ObjectProperty owl:ObjectProperty Groups all EthOn ERC-20 extension Object Properties owl:Thing
:changesAllowance owl:ObjectProperty Relates a delegate token transfer to the allowance it changes. When a delegate spends a certain amount of a token, this amount is deducted from its balance. owl:Thing
:initialBalance owl:DatatypeProperty The amount of tokens this token balance has initially. The initial value is set in the token contract and cannot be derived from the token transfers. owl:Thing
dc:contributor owl:AnnotationProperty -- owl:Thing
dc:creator owl:AnnotationProperty -- owl:Thing
dc:title owl:AnnotationProperty -- owl:Thing
ethon:suggestedStringRepresentation owl:AnnotationProperty -- owl:Thing
ns:term_status owl:AnnotationProperty -- owl:Thing
vann:preferredNamespacePrefix owl:AnnotationProperty -- owl:Thing
vann:preferredNamespaceUri owl:AnnotationProperty -- owl:Thing


@prefix : <http://ethon.consensys.net/ERC20/> .
@prefix ethon: <http://ethon.consensys.net/> .
@prefix ns: <http://www.w3.org/2003/06/sw-vocab-status/ns#> .
@prefix owl: <http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#> .
@prefix rdfs: <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#> .

:TokenBalance a owl:Class ;
    rdfs:label "Token Balance"@en ;
    ethon:suggestedStringRepresentation "TokenBalance" ;
    rdfs:comment "The Balance of a Token owned by an Account."@en ;
    ns:term_status "unstable" .